Asiakastuki & UKK
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Asiakastuki & UKK
Solution home
Solutions for employees
How do I get Epassi?
Validity of the benefit
My phone number, email address or name has changed
What is Flex?
Lunch balance
My phone number is still active at my former employer
What services can I buy with my Wellbeing benefit?
Termination of employment, study leave, parental leave etc.
Buy viewing rights for livestream gigs with Epassi
Logging in to Epassi
How to log in to Epassi.
Login failed
How to pay with Epassi?
Payment to the wrong place / Double payment
How long is my receipt valid for?
How much can I pay with Epassi Lunch?
Epassi lunch tag payment
Issues with paying with phone number or by text message?
How to use Epassi benefits without a smartphone
What is MyMoney?
How to add MyMoney balance?
How do I get my MyMoney balance returned back into my bank account?
What happens to MyMoney at the end of the year?
MyMoney top up issues?
How do I use MyMoney to pay the tax value of the benefit?
Strong authentication of our users
What does knowing our customers mean?
Why do I have to answer your questions? What if I don't answer your questions?
Do I have to verify myself if I want to use only employee benefits given by my employer?
Is Epassi the only one who asks information about knowing their customers?
Which service does Epassi use to verify my identity? What information will transfer to Epassi?
What information will I be asked?
Suggest a new merchant to Epassi network.
Can I pay for a massage with Epassi Sport?
Loading a personal Travel Card
You can use the sports benefit to pay for equipment rental
What can you buy in grocery stores with the Lunch benefit?
How to pay at R-Kioski
Tax regulations
Instructions for taxation on fringe benefits