When you are logging in for the first time to Epassi,
We have sent you welcom message to you via email or SMS depending on which information your employer has registered to Epassi. 

  • If you received the link via SMS, use the phone number to which you received the link to log in. 
  • If you received the link via email, use the email address to which you received the link to log in. 

Once you have successfully logged in for the first time you can change your login information under "User" tab. From now on please log in with your phone number or email you have added to Epassi user information.

When you are already using Epassi,
please use your phone number or email address that is registered to Epassi user informatio to log in. Once you insert your phone number or email address in the login page of Epassi app or web service, you will receive a onetime passcode to your phone or email. Use this passcode to log in. New code will be sent each time you log in and no passwords are needed.

If you fail to login or get an error most likely you are trying to log in with incorrect email or phone number or passcode that is expired. 

If the login fails, please read instructions here.

Download the Epassi app to your phone via App Store (iPhone) or Google Play-shop (Android).

Here is the  Epassi online service found: https://services.epassi.fi/ui/login